OpenExO Blog

Why Try to Become an Exponential Organization?

Written by Kent Langley | Mar 9, 2020 11:21:59 AM

I often get asked, why should I become an Exponential Organization? Why would you want, as an organization, to become an ExO?

As a company, you need to be able to have a framework in which to see the world when you have rapidly changing disruptive, exponential technologies.

It often seems like these changes are coming at you from every angle. It looks like everybody is your competitor.

If you have a model like the ExO model implemented into your organization, you can then choose from the most appropriate attributes to implement. There are ways to measure this, and we can discuss that in a different moment.

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Of particular note is the concept in the model of the Massive Transformative Purpose (“MTP”). You will want to discover, often in yourself, a massive transformative purpose. When you get your MTP right, it is like the light in a lighthouse or filter for all the things the world sends your way. An MTP and command of the ExO model will give you a new capability to move forward in an uncertain world in a very certain way.

If you adopt some or all of the ExO Model’s attributes, many positive things can happen for your company. Your company will build better teams. The teams will be more engaged than ever before. You will find new and exciting ways to create new products and services. You will find ways to engage your customers that, previously, you would’ve never imagined. And, best of all, while there are no silver bullet solutions to Digital Transformation, Exponential Organizations tend to outperform in any industry segment.

There are a great many ways to learn about the ExO Model if it is interesting to you. Just ask me if you want to know more. The best way is to join the OpenExO Community. It’s free and you’ll find me there too.

Kent Langley is the Chief Science Officer for OpenExO, Faculty at Singularity University, Architect and Project Lead for the ExO Economy, and Co-Founder of FluidChains, Inc. Additionally, he is an advisor to promising startups. Kent’s purpose is to empower people with technology.